Work I Completed

This week I attempted to switch from data science to web development as I enjoyed developing my APA referencing generator. Data science was fun last semester, and it was my highest marked subject, however web dev seems highly useful (I could just make a website for anything), and I enjoy doing it. In terms of marks, I do not think I would get lower grades in web development, especially considering I got a similar score to data science in robotics. In terms of the content covered, I was in a pretty good position to switch. As I completed the referencing generator project, I already learnt the content covered last semester, meaning that I would have no trouble meshing in. The exciting content covered that I would miss in data science is a deep look into machine learning, however in class we agreed to cover a lighter machine learning overview in robotics, as machine learning is evermore becoming an important part of robotics. Joining web dev seemed like a win-win, so I decided to switch classes.

What I did not realize was the seriousness of the schools class change policy, and I was denied to switch for being 2 weeks late to the deadline. This outcome was frustrating, as it took a lot of careful consideration to decide to switch courses. I still have the opportunity to fight for a switch into web dev, as BSSS rules state that students are allowed to change up until the first assessment task of that semester. I would have to have good reasoning, and I believe I could form an argument. Between me being away, and my IT teacher being away, I did not have a chance to discuss the change with my IT teacher for a few weeks, which delayed the whole process. Additionally, I have been working through USA university applications with a tutoring company, and I needed the chance to discuss the change with them. If I were to build a timeline of things preventing me from changing courses, I believe that the school may allow me to switch but it may not be worth it anymore.

The data science, and web dev exams are being held next week. This means if I spend time trying to argue, the amount of preparation I can do for my exam will fall - even if I do get to switch. The most important thing for me right now is to get the highest ATAR possible, and switching to web dev before the exam might ruin that.

This whole ordeal has made doing data science focused reflections has been difficult, as each blog post is technically part of an assessment. My supposed data science journal entries from this term have been on random topics to make sure I did not have any data science assessment submitted. Additionally, trying to switch has made me less focused on data science work, as I assumed I would not need the knowledge. As a result, I am fairly unprepared for my data science exam, and have not even looked at the assigned data bias work. This also means that I do not have any technical analyses to display in this journal entry, meaning I will likely get marked down in that regard. I think making the attempt to switch was worth it though, as it was the catalyst for covering machine learning in robotics, which will be very fun.


What lessons were learned from failure?

The start of this term has honestly been pretty rough for me, and I did not have the best chance to switch from data science to web dev, but I think if I truly wanted to I would have done it earlier. I had all of the first week of school to consider this change, and I still did not do it. In terms of a lesson, I learned that I do not like web dev as much as I thought, and learned that data science is not so bad.

What are the next steps?

My immediate goal is to work hard at data science in preperation for the exam, and then to keep up with the assigned data science work. This means I have to accept that I am going to do data science for at least this semester which will keep me driven and focused. In reality, a more math focused subject like data science will play to my strengths more and increase my scores, so I should be happy with the subject selections I have now.
