Before writing this post, I realised I have not done any mechatronics work this week. I was planning to continue to work through the Arduino examples, and extend myself on one of them. I would have liked to work with servo motors this week, as many robotics projects require them. It would also be beneficial to learn the math behind resistors, I understand why they are needed, but not how they affect the system. If I knew that, I would feel more confident creating Arduino projects without a guide.

The reason I was not able to do any of this during the week is because I had too many other things to do in my IT classes. I was behind in the OOP Logic Gate challenge, so that took all the free time I had in IT, and the other time was spent learning about cyber security for the upcoming competition. I should have taken some time to do the challenge at home, and spent my class time doing mechatronics. Next week I will navigate that better, I still have cyber security work, but I should get some time free.

I am excited to get my IT Research Reports next week, especially the mechatronics one. I have always loved creating mechatronics projects, and taking a deeper dive into an area of mechatronics sounds very interesting. There are many emerging technologies being created in the mechatronics field, so maybe I will do the report on one of those.It really depends on the task sheet. I’m going to try and write atleast one the reports in LaTeX, the format does look good. I had some practice with LaTeX over the holidays when writing a research report on A* pathfinding, so doing it seems less daunting. The only thing I’m worried about is tables, see the code for a table I made below.

| >{\centering\arraybackslash}X 
| >{\centering\arraybackslash}X 
| >{\centering\arraybackslash}X | }
\Large\(40^{20}_{20}\downarrow\)&\Large\(\swarrow34^{24}_{10}\)\LARGE*&\quad\large\(\leftarrow34^{34}_{0}\)\quad END\LARGE*\\

The code was very omplicated and that is only 1/7 tables. Making the tables was harder than writing the content, maybe I should use images of tables in my report.
