This week I got my data science assignment, and began work creating a dataset. My data science assignment involves taking a dataset, and creating a scientific report with a specific focus on data visualizations. I have had time to think about what dataset I want to do, for which we were given a long list. I decided to ditch the list, and do a dataset that sounds more fun, and I decided on the NRL Fantasy Dataset. The only problem with this idea is that the data is not openly available for download. I began figuring out how to scrape the online dataset, when a classmate looked into network in inspect element and found 5-6 JSON files with all the data in it. These were a combination of several datasets, there is player data, team data, even individual stadium data. The JSON files also included the Fantasy Coach paid subscription data. There was more data to use than I knew what to do with.

I put this data into python using the requests module, which grabbed the publicly available JSON files, and then used the JSON module to convert the files into dictionaries. I am currently creating one big dictionary with all the normal player stats, and paid Fantasy Coach stats, so all the required statistics are available. Now that I had the data, I needed to form an aim and hypothesis for the data. Since there are so many statistics, and therefore so many different things to analyse. I decided to analyse one specific Fantasy Coach feature. This feature details the projected price of an individual player, created with an AI. My aim is to test the accuracy of these projected prices, and therefore whether using them is an effective method for playing the game. This is possible to test by using historical projected prices, and actual prices. I have no reason other than bias to believe these prices are innacurate, so my hypothesis will be that these prices are accurate. This will pose an interesting ethical discussion depending on the accuracy of this statistic - is it ethical to sell an inaccurate statistic. Additionally, the fact that the Fantasy Coach data is freely available as a JSON file poses a good ethical discussion - is it ethical to a UI element?
