Robotics / Mechatronics


6 minute read

Recap of events at Pecan+ CTF 2023

Harris corner detection

7 minute read

So reversing camera distortion is cool, but how do I know what points to triangulate?

Ncss challenge 2023

6 minute read

Doing the Intermediate NCSS challenge with one line answers because its fun.


4 minute read

Overcoming camera distortion in computer stereo vision systems.


2 minute read

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Data Science

Data science final project

5 minute read

My final projects are coming up and I have not completed the Data Science portion - where do I go from here?

Ethical use of generative ai

5 minute read

Generative AI is becoming a tool that is too useful to ignore. So ethically, how can it be implemented in a school setting?

Block matching

7 minute read

Block matching so Winston can see

Rethinking stereo vision

4 minute read

Maybe it’s time to slow down and think about how to approach stereo vision for a robotic dog.

Ncss 2023

5 minute read

Recap of events from NCSS 2023.

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